Managers Mint

About Managers

Managers are a collection of NFTs that allow you to recruit (mint) new players. There is an uncapped number of Managers.

Mint a Manager

  1. Visit the Sport tab from the top navigation menu

  2. Make sure Metamask is installed and configured to point to the Polygon network

  3. Make sure you have at least 11,000 $FROTH in your wallet to cover the mint fee and a small amount of Matic to pay for gas. Note: You will need more Froth in your wallet should you wish to mint more than one manager.

  4. Select the quantity of managers you wish ming and click on "MINT NOW"

  5. Accept the MetaMask prompt

  6. Wait for confirmation of your brand new sealed Manager.

  7. Head to Free Agents to see your newly minted Manager under the Manager Tab.

Note It can take up to 1 minute for your new Manager to be minted. The identity of your manager will be hidden until you exchange your team pack at a later date.

Manager Benefits

  • Recruit (Mint): The only way Players can enter the Muzzle Run Football ecosystem is by an owner of a Manager minting a new Player. By owning a Coach you can mint new Players (of any rarity) for your club or sell on the secondary market. For more information see Minting.

  • Attach to Team: Managers can be minted and signed to a team. They will have an impact on the way the team plays as stated in NFT Types.

Last updated