Racing Funds

You can enter paid races by depositing funds in to the racing contract or burning rabbits for racing credits. If you have enough racing credits to enter a race they will always be used first. Your funds (excluding racing credits) can be withdrawn at any time.

Add Racing Funds

All racing funds are held and managed by the racing contract. You can deposit funds by

  • Visit the "Funds & Credits" tab from the left hand navigation menu and click "Racing"

  • Click "Switch to deposit"

  • Enter your deposit amount in Matic

  • Approve the Metamask prompt

Your funds will be available in about a minute and can then be used to enter paid races


Any funds you have deposited (and not used) or won from paid racing is available to withdraw in to your Metamask at any time by

  • Clicking the racing tab

  • Click "Funds" in the top menu

  • Click "Withdraw"

  • Approve the Metamask prompt

Your funds will be displayed in your Metamask account in about 1 minute

Last updated