Base Statistics

Every hound has a set of publicly available base statistics that are part of determining how fast that hound will run in a race. With the exception of form, all statistics can only be improved through training. Form is increased and decreased based on race results and can also be increased with training.


A value that represents a hounds potential top speed based on the fastest a greyhound can run. Greyhounds have an unofficial top speed of 80km/h. If your hound has a speed value of 100 then the fastest your hound will be able to run is 80 km/h (without a speed boost). A higher speed value also means your hound will on average run faster than a hound with a lower speed value if all other factors were the same.


Acceleration is used to help determine how fast a hound is out the blocks. The higher the acceleration, the more likely a hound will hit its top speed earlier in the race.


Hounds with high endurance are likely to suffer less fatigue as the race progresses. Generally speaking hounds with high endurance will perform better in longer races and maintain a higher average speed.


Consistency is used to help determine how frequently a hound is able to utilise their statistics to their full potential. The higher the consistency, the higher the probability that a hound will produce a predictable result.


Form is another statistic that influences how consistent a hound will run to the best of their ability. Form is increased and decreased after every race. The more a hound wins, the higher likelihood that the hound will run a fast next race and vice versa. Form can not drop below 50 and can not go above 100. Form points are added and decreased based on the following finishing positions:

  1. +5

  2. +3

  3. +2

  4. +0

  5. -2

  6. -2

  7. -5

  8. -5

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